Add:No 969, YunHan Road Pudong District Shanghai City China
Catalytic Gas Sensors
Catalytic Gas Sensors
Uses the change in
resistance caused by the combustion of combustible gas on the contact surface
of catalytic material to convert the sensed combustible gas concentration into
a usable output signal.
August 27, 2024CombustionsensorSensorsthat monitor or control the combustion state , such as concentration cell typezirconia oxygen sensors for boilers. In addition to zirconia oxygen sensors,SnO2 and perovskite oxi...view
July 31, 2024Capacitive Displacement SensorA displacement sensor inwhich the capacitance between two electrode plates varies with the distancebetween the plates or the area of overlap between the plates. Sensors t...view
July 15, 2024Calorimeterbased on chemical changes, biological reactions, and physical phenomena . Temperature sensors are mostly Beckmann thermometers, thermistors, platinum temperature resistors, and thermocouple...view
October 7, 2024HydrophoneAn acoustic-electric sensor that responds tounderwater sound waves and emits electric waves that are actually equivalent tosound waves. It is mainly used to detect the approach of submarines...view
August 6, 2024Capacitive proximity sensorsA proximity sensor thatmaintains a certain distance from the object to be tested and can detectnon-contact. It can be used to detect small displacements by taking advantage...view
October 18, 2024Fire alarm sensorA device that converts a physical quantitythat characterizes a fire alarm condition into another physical quantity.According to the nature of the working effect , it can usually be di...view